Andrew’s Birthday

Currently: Today is Andrew’s birthday, however since we celebrated with him yesterday, we won’t see him today. He worked today, but I’m sure he and Kevin will play The Division 2 when he gets home. They have been playing almost every night.

We watched the new trailers for Toy Story 4 and Stranger Things season 3. I’m sure Toy Story 4 will be cute, but it’s not one that we would pay to see in the theatre so we will wait for the DVD. The thing I like the most about Stranger Things is the whole 80’s vibe. In the trailer, they show the kids (teenagers now) inside a shopping mall. Malls back then were so different. There were lots of trees and large plants and you could smoke inside. There seemed to be more seating areas as well. I think now days, many of those seating areas have been replaced by massage tables. I don’t think I could ever get comfortable enough to enjoy a massage in the middle of the mall. Then again, I’m not comfortable getting a massage at all anywhere.

The Past: March 25, 2003


Today is Andrew’s 14th birthday. We gave him the March Birthday Beanie Baby, $50 cash, and renewed his PlayStation Magazine subscription for the next year.

We also got him a Lord of the Rings birthday cake.

3 Replies to “Andrew’s Birthday

  1. Awesome cake from the past. You Shall Not…eat cake!” A belated Happy Birthday to Andrew-just catching up now that I’m not limited to 3 hours in 2 90-minute sessions.

  2. OMG, Andrew was adorable! Still is gorgeous but much different now! Btw, I love this blog Tami, I just discovered it and I’m reading through posts… you are well written and obviously well read! I think I even like the blog more than your YouTube ! It’s more personal… anyway, wishing you a great evening! Joana

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