
Today was my cleaning day. I clean every Wednesday because I don’t want to have to do it on the weekend. The best thing that I ever did to keep the house straight was to settle on a certain day of the week to clean the bathrooms, do laundry, mop the floors, dust and vacuum. Years ago, I had no schedule at all which meant that I would put off doing the work over and over again. By settling on a specific day, I know that once I do it, I don’t have to worry about it for another week.

When we had young children, things were much different. I can recall pulling the vacuum out almost daily as well as mopping the kitchen floor several time a week. Now that food isn’t hitting the floor, I no longer have to worry about it.

People have asked me how I keep our house so clean, but I really don’t have any secret. I will say that years ago when we smoked, things tended to get dusty much quicker. When you smoke, it leaves a sticky residue on surfaces and then dust sticks to that residue. Once we stopped smoking, I noticed an immediate difference in the amount of dust on surfaces because there was nothing for it to stick to.

Cleaning videos are very popular on YouTube right now; however, I don’t really enjoy them. Specifically, I don’t enjoy watching housewives cleaning their homes. What I do enjoy is seeing transformation cleaning such as a hoarder home. I also enjoy watching organization videos or videos where a lot is being purged.

If you like to see cleaning transformations like I do, there are some terrific shows available on YouTube. Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners, How Clean Is Your House, Call the Cleaners and The Life Laundry are very interesting. Whenever I watch shows like these, I want to clean or purge or both!

2 Replies to “Cleaning

  1. When I watch those shows I want to purge too…but in the vomiting way! They always show bathtubs and toilets and the inside of refrigerators and I just can’t!

  2. I read an article the other day that said Goodwill has seen huge spikes in donations after the cleaning lady show that is on Netflix (I forget the name, it’s a Japanese lady?). Anyhow, they said a lot of items they receive are broken or not usable.

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