Country Club

Currently (2019):

This afternoon, my dad invited us for lunch at the local country club. It was a buffet, so they had many different foods to choose from including fried chicken, fried catfish, bbq pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls, coleslaw, baked beans, collard greens, cornbread, salad bar and assorted desserts including chocolate pudding, banana pudding and large chocolate chip cookies.

My dad not only invited Kevin, Ashley and I, he also invited our son Andrew and his family and my sister and her family including her husband’s mom. There were a total of thirteen people! I believe the total bill was $252, which actually isn’t bad when you consider all the drinks as well. We had a good time and everyone enjoyed the chicken. It’s hard to beat Kevin’s fried chicken. This wasn’t quite as good as his, but it was still very tasty and much better than KFC. Kevin set the bar high, so it’s hard for anyone to come close.

We came home for about an hour and then headed to the gym. Kevin and I walked on the treadmill for an hour and Ashley ran on the treadmill and worked out using the machines. About three weeks ago, I injured my feet/ankles while running on the treadmill. I was in severe pain for a while and was afraid that I would never be the same. Now that I am able to walk normally again, I’m not going to risk my mobility by running. It’s just not worth it. I really enjoy walking and genuinely missed it. I look forward to warm days when Kevin and I can walk around the block.

Speaking of Kevin; he, Andrew and Joe (Andrew’s friend and now a family friend), started playing Anthem on the XBOX One. It’s a role-playing game where you need to dedicate hours and hours to keep the pace with the people you are playing with. They stayed up late for the release and played until around 6:20 AM.  

The Past:

February 24, 2003

My Sister Jennifer

My sister, Jennifer, went to get her yearly exam so I watched her two little ones, Jesse and Sydnee. They are 15-month-old twins – fraternal, not identical. Sydnee looks just like her daddy with his dark hair and pretty eyes and Jesse looks just like her mommy. She has blonde hair and the cutest toothy grin you’ve ever seen! They were both wonderful. I fed them lunch and then Jesse fell asleep.

Jennifer brought me a sub sandwich from Gaunce’s Market. Boy was that good! Unexpected things like that are always good. She said that her appointment had gone fine and she really likes this new doctor who is a woman. Whenever I decide to go back to the doctor, I want to go to a woman also. I’ll be blunt here. All of the men gynecologists I have been to are narrow minded pigs. Over the years I have been to about six different ones and they are all the same. The only time I ever had a pleasant experience was at the health department and it was a woman giving the exam. Believe it or not, she never made one comment about my weight like all the men seemed to do. Not that I’m terribly obese; I’ve seen larger, but why do these men feel that it’s their duty to comment? Give me the exam, tell me I’m fine and leave me alone. Oh well, who knows when I will ever go back. It has been six years now and it might be six more. You never know.

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